Wednesday, July 14, 2010

ThaNkful ThUrsDaY

BesT of Friends

meet my best friend. Her name is Leilani T. Cañete. we've been best of friends 7 years since college. Happy to know we still communicate in-spite of busyness,we have hang-outs oftentimes. She love sports and adventures like i do. we have plans of going out somewhere, spending time with her friends BUT i too busy not attending her other activities. thanking God she understand.

Forever In Blue Jeans



Truly God will never leave us in times of our weariness, weaknesses. even in our time of happiness His always there right beside us leading us all along the way.

princess of ours

my ever dearest and cutest niece
i was shocked when she dressed up like this.
gone where the days i cradled her with my arms.
now she's smiling and acting like a lady.
and i can't wait to see her on her debut day.

like a doll
 missing her much T.T

her stepsister